How to take care of your beard: first step, cleansing How to take care of your beard: first step, cleansing

How to take care of your beard: first step, cleansing

Guides & Advice

Words Nolyne Cerda

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Whether you have a long beard or not, it requires a lilttle bit of care. Starting with a good cleansing: Horace's editorial staff tells you how to do it.

Beards can be beautiful, but when you don’t care of them, bacterias and dirt can hide inside. You don’t want to have it. For a beautiful beard, it might take an adapted routine.

Why is it good to take care of your beard

Facial hair can retain everything, even more so when it is thick and tangled. Sebum, dead skin, pollution particles, pollen but also food crumbs and bacteria... Many impurities come to stay. Not to mention the number of times you will touch your face throughout the day. According to the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health, the contact between hands and face would be about three thousand times a day. Paying special attention to your beard means making sure you have silky hair and healthy skin while minimizing inflammation or the appearance of ingrown hairs.

The right cleansing habits

Generally, it is advisable to adapt to your lifestyle. To do this, you should take into account whether you practice a sport, take public transportation or live in a polluted city. In addition, men's skin is made up more of sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the formation of sebum. This doesn't take away from the fact that facial skin is more sensitive than the scalp. A good beard cleansing should therefore also take into account the type of skin and the most suitable shampoo or soap. The longer the beard is, the more it requires a daily rigor on brushing, cleaning and moisturizing. It is recommended to use a wooden or horn comb for detangling. Side shampoo, you can opt for a specific care like our beard shampoo to clean gently and avoid redness and itching. A simple splash of water is not enough. Lather up and let the water run off so that it takes all the impurities (pollution particles and others) with it. To dry it and avoid the formation of bacteria, use a micro-fiber towel to absorb excess water.

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