How to avoid a shiny forehead? How to avoid a shiny forehead?

How to avoid a shiny forehead?

Guides & Advice

Photos Getty Images

Words Matthieu Morge-Zucconi

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It’s completely normal to take a little time to observe yourself, briefly, in the mirror. It’s often on this occasion that you make an observation that worries you: your forehead is shiny. Fine, but is it really that bad? We’re here to answer.

Who’s affected by oily foreheads?

Contrary to popular belief, a shiny forehead does not necessarily mean that you have oily skin. Even if it’s true that oily skin is characterised by a shiny forehead, it’d be simplistic to say that any shiny forehead is a sign of oily skin. Oily skin affects the entire face.

Take a look at your skin: if it's only oily in the T zone, i.e. the forehead, nose and chin, and dry everywhere elsse, there's a good chance that you combination skin, aka skin where a more oily area and a drier skin area coexist.

All skin types produce sebum throughout the day. This is why even skin with a tendency on the drier side or normal skin can sometimes appear shinier in certain areas. This is completely normal and should not cause concern.

When should you worry about a greasy forehead?

It all depends on the frequency and intensity of the appearance of this famous greasy forehead of yours. You’d obviously prefer to shine with your ideas than with your excess sebum.

It's worth worrying about a shiny forehead when the problem becomes daily, and not a day goes by without your face appearing greasy. On the other hand, if you’re often affected by pimples on the forehead, your forehead is probably very oily. In that case, the problem should be dealt with accordingly.

How to avoid an oily forehead?

Here’s how to avoid it as possible.

Be sure to cleanse your skin regularly with a Purifying Face Cleanser, and moisturise it as needed (once or twice a day, depending on your needs) with a lightweight cream. An oily forehead should not be deprived of moisture - this will only make the problem worse since dehydrated skin produces more sebum, in reaction.

Either way, using an oil-regulating cleanser and a mattifying balancing moisturiser will leave your skin flawless.

The use of a Purifying Face Mask on your T zone can be useful for you to deeply cleanse this zone since it’s the most subject to excess sebum and the appearance of blackheads. Otherwise, the infallible weapon that you can use on a daily basis to reduce your excess sebum is our Oil Control Duo. The combination of the benefits of our tonic lotion and our purifying face mask eliminates imperfections, excess sebum, and unwanted shine.

So don’t be alarmed by an oily forehead, especially if it’s an exceptional situation. There’s no need to throw yourself into products that are intended for oily skin which will only have the effect of making you produce sebum in even greater quantities, leaving you even more helpless.

A few simple adjustments can be all you need allow you to stop being shiny. At least when it comes to your forehead.

Avoid an oily forehead

Purifying Face Cleanser
Purifying Face Mask
Mattifying Face Moisturiser